
Pros Use Bleachbit

I still see far too many comments with people that still use CCLeaner. Bleachbit is a FAR superior product and it’s also free and open source. It won’t try to upsell you a bunch of garbage and has a great track record, unlike CCleaner which was hacked and literally installed malware on thousands of PCs.

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Be a Better Programmer

Many people want to be a programmer, but often find themselves flailing around in the dark. These are the things I’ve done to help aid myself in coding more, learning new things, and just becoming a better programmer.

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Setting up Windows inside Linux

Running Windows inside of Linux is essential for those that are trying to convert to Linux. There will always be a transition period and need to fallback to Windows. It is also nice to have for many Windows only programs that you may need while inside Linux.

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You are using GitHub WRONG!

GitHub is an incredible powerful tool, but using it in command line can be frustrating. So instead of doing something dumb like using SSH agent workarounds or Token exporting shenanigans to make git work in command line. We are going to use an amazing utility called gh to authenticate.

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